The representatives of the magic of the claim that money can attract with the help of various ornaments and accessories. To do with their hands on the amulet of luck and money to attract wealth is very easy. But it is necessary to make some of the rules, so that really helped its bearer in the achievement of its main objective.

This variety of charms
The representatives of the various magical destinations have their recipes, how to make an amulet for good luck and money in their hands. Some of the magicians believe that slandered bags or irredeemable banknotes that are in the portfolio, they are able to not only maintain, but increase the welfare. Other insurance that bring the richness of the decoration and other accessories. How to make an amulet for the money, and if it is necessary to address a mage? Of course, buying a pet is no problem. It is enough to ask for the protection of the sorcerer. But that spend – the service is quite expensive. In addition, the amulet in the money, charged the warlock, it may be weaker than what fills you with energy future master, if, of course, refers to the ritual seriously and with faith in the heart.
But if you are going to help your new master? It is best to make an amulet for good luck and money for his own hand, and at the time of the manufacture of charge with your energy, and schedule the multiplication of wealth.
The fineness of the manufacture of amulets in the money
Most often charms are manufactured bracelets, rings, necklaces, medallions, of hours. More precisely, the decor is the accessories, in which you hide your lucky charms of the people, those who believe in the power of such. The main thing is that with locutus amulet of his master, did not leave. You can also begin to speak of the wealth and the good fortune of precious stones. The strongest of stones are considered the wise men of the cornelian, amethyst, turquoise, onyx.
To carry out the ritual is necessary, when in the night-sky is back young of the month, or at the time of the full moon. Some slander you read exactly at midnight. Selecting the rite, it is necessary to take into account the date of birth of the holder of the amulet, the age and the sign of the zodiac. Even the time of birth can influence force of the hex nut.
To say amulet for the money, it is first necessary to call the attention of the fire from the elements. It's the fire in the selected object gives its strength. It is important that by the rite, to comply strictly with all of the advice of the magicians and instructions for the celebration of rituals. In the opposite case, the protection can be weak and even do damage to your carrier.

Simple amulet in the neck
The most simple amulet can be made of clay, wood or cardboard. Of material (preference may be given to any of the) which are cut two circles the same size. Then, you have to cover with gold paint and glue, leaving between them a string or strong thread. Before you say fact the amulet in money, must be of both sides apply the drawings - runes, attracts wealth. During the pronunciation of magic words should be to tie in a thread or a string of several knots, if the closing of the words. In place of cardboard amulet on the string to hang the letter or character and begin to speak.
Gemstone to attract money of the signs of the zodiac
Has been considered for a long time that the precious stones have a magical power. If you choose an ornament of stone that can be the most fortunate and happy. With your help, to know the ritual, you can make a charm for the money in their hands. And you will be strong and powerful.
Each sign of the zodiac your jewel. The aries should give preference to amethyst, Small bodies agate will bring good luck. Bifurcated of the Twins must choose between a garnet and beryl. The cancer will bring the prosperity of the emerald. Ruby loves the equitable of the lions. To the virgin it is recommended that amulets of money in their hands to make the stone of jasper or of cyanite. Parsimonious Weights protect the diamonds. And here the scorpion is to ask for the protection of the opal. Archers have, of course, the strength of the turquoise and the lapis lazuli. To talk about good-luck charm Aquarius needs with a sapphire stone. The fish of the same will receive a powerful guardian, using the moonstone.
The ritual of the jewel and the currency for the manufacture of amulet
Some precious stones without any kind of rituals and slander attract his master money and wealth. Others require more of filled of water. And for this, during the celebration of the rite, using the most normal of the coin.
Simple ritual that is celebrated on the full moon and midnight. Currency should be omitted in the bowl with the water in such a way that the light of the moon, falling in the water, was reflected in it. Along with the storage capacity you place the decoration with precious stones. When he saw the light of the moon reflection in the water, you have to ask the astro fill the currency and the stone of your energy, as well as to reward the force of gravity. In the future, you must leave a coin and the stone under the glare of the moon until the dawn. After change of lucky charms in hand-stitched the bag of velvet with embroidery on it yellow with the making of the initials of a teacher of apotropaic. This amulet in money should bring it and not show anybody

Powerful amulet wax
It is important before proceeding to the manufacture of any amulet, produce ideas in order. During the ritual, and the creative process there can be no doubt of the strength of the magic, otherwise it will not work.
To manufacture an amulet of the wax, you must first select a sail. It is small and not very expensive, extravagant forms or more simple. Acquire needed one, that he immediately liked. The ritual is recommended to be carried out in the early days of the growing months. The younger the month, the greater will be the pet.
The ritual is performed in the 12 hours of the night. Selected the candle to be set in the glass and set it on fire. There are no secret combinations, words, speech is not necessary, only the flame of the candle to convey your desires, connect with her on an energy level. While playing the tongues of fire, you must whisper your wishes. About the fears of also having a candle. As they say the wise men, the wax of the candles to absorb dreams and desires, remember the alarm and unwanted subjects.
When the candle is burning, you should wait until the wax cool and solidify, taking on a peculiar shape because with curls and designs. In them and will be slandered mysterious of the information of the owner of the arm.
The figure, which will remain after the ceremony, it is necessary to take with you and do not let anyone touch it. Better if other eyes can not see the amulet. Normally slandered the wax is placed in a locket or heal in a bag, sewn of velvet or brocade and gold of the fabric.
The amulet of the four elements
To make an amulet for good luck and money in their hands, full of the energy of the four elements, you need a gold or purple ribbon. In it, with the help of the threads natural must have symbols of the sun and of the moon, the wind and the water, in such a way that it is developed in a single piece and woven image. Embroider each character separately, you can't. Therefore, before you begin creating apotropaic is worth considering, as all you see in the end. Embroidered in ribbon must be illuminated by the sun and the moon, obdata wind and saturated, just enough rain. When all of the elements of the nature to share the amulet of your energy, you can use the umbrella.
The power of the amulet and the belief in magic

Without faith in the magic of an amulet for the money is impotent. So that really became a powerful amulet, need to recharge your energy. The thoughts materialize. To become an owner of a powerful pet, must not only learn the rules of the celebration of the rites, but also the steps to perform correctly. The burden of the amulet of power – a difficult and tedious process. It is necessary to concentrate and connect mentally with the objects in the magical ritual. Not less important is to make with their own hands.
Finally, for the amulet, however, has lost nothing of its strength, you can not display even loved ones. It is a very personal issue. And in any case can not give and give, even very close to the people.